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Citations / Atıflar

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(Son Güncelleme 2018) Güncel atıflar için web taraması yapılabilir. 

Makale adı: Yildirim, K., Cagatay, K., and Hidayetoglu,M.L., (2015) "The effect of age, gender and education level on customer evaluations of retail furniture store atmospheric attributes", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 43 Iss: 8, pp.712 – 726

  1. Kim, Woohyoung; Hallsworth, Alan; Kim, Hyun , (2018). Examining the Effectiveness of Government Policy for Retail Districts: Evidence from Korea, SUSTAINABILITY. 10(5): 1558

  2. Gottschalk, Ingrid . (2018). Consumer evaluation of ambient scent: The impact of pre-information, environment, and persuasion Knowledge. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT. 46(6): 530-544

  3. Audrain-Pontevia, Anne-Francoise; Vanhuele, Marc, 2016, Where do customer loyalties really lie, and why? Gender differences in store loyalty, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT,   44 (8), 799-813.

  4. Deshwal, Pankaj, 2016, Customer experience quality and demographic variables (age, gender, education level, and family income) in retail stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44 (9), 940-955.

  5. Ayalp, Nur; Yildirim, Kemal; Bozdayi, Muge; Kubulay, Çağatay, 2016, Consumers' evaluations of fitting rooms in retail clothing stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44(5), 524-539. 

Makale adı: Hidayetoglu, M.L., Yildirim, K. and Akalin, A., The effects of color and light on indoor wayfinding and the evaluation of the perceived environment, Journal of Environmental Psychology , 32 (1): 50-58, 2012. (Social Sciences Citation Index)

  1. Suzer, Ozge Kumoglu; Olgunturk, Nilgun (2018). The aid of colour on visuospatial navigation of elderly people in a virtual polyclinic environment. COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION. 43 (6): 872-884

  2. Castilla, Nuria; Llinares, Carmen; Bisegna, Fabio; et al. (2018) Emotional evaluation of lighting in university classrooms: A preliminary study. FRONTIERS OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH. 7 (4): 600-609

  3. Erkan, Ilker. (2018). Examining wayfinding behaviours in architectural spaces using brain imaging with electroencephalography (EEG). ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE REVIEW. 61 (6): 410-428

  4. Ergan, Semiha; Shi, Zhuoya; Yu, Xinran (2018). Towards quantifying human experience in the built environment: A crowdsourcing based experiment to identify influential architectural design features. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING 20: 51-59

  5. Costa, Marco; Frumento, Sergio; Nese, Mattia; et al. (2018). Interior Color and Psychological Functioning in a University Residence Hall. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 9:1580

  6. Kasuganti, Aneetha Rao, (2018). Do ambient conditions in offices impact learning?FACILITIES. 36(5-6): 291-307

  7. Suzer, Ozge Kumoglu; Olgunturk, Nilgun; Guvenc, Dilek  (2018). The effects of correlated colour temperature on wayfinding: A study in a virtual airport environment.DISPLAYS. 51: 9-19

  8. Tantanatewin, Warakul; Inkarojrit, Vorapat (2018). The influence of emotional response to interior color on restaurant entry decision. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT. 69: 124-131

  9. Cha, Seung Hyun; Steemers, Koen; Kim, Tae Wan, 2017, Modelling building users' space preferences for group work: a discrete-choice experiment, ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 60(6), 460-471.

  10. Bloch, Peter H.; Gopalakrishna, Srinath; Crecelius, Andrew T.; et al., 2017, Exploring booth design as a determinant of trade show success, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING, 24(4), 237-256.

  11. Bosch, Sheila J.; Gharaveis, Arsalan, 2017, Flying solo: A review of the literature on wayfinding for older adults experiencing visual or cognitive decline, APPLIED ERGONOMICS, 58, 327-333.

  12. Peters, Terri, 2016,  Social sustainability in context: rediscovering Ingrid Gehl's Bo-miljo, ARQ-ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY, 20 (4), 371-380.

  13. Liu, Yang; Kang, Jian; Zhang, Ying; et al., Visual comfort is affected by urban colorscape tones in hazy weather, FRONTIERS OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH, 5 (4), 453-465.

  14. Ko, Tae-Kyoung; Kim, In-Tae; Choi, An-Seop; et al., 2016, Simulation and perceptual evaluation of fashion shop lighting design with application of exhibition lighting techniques, BUILDING SIMULATION, 9 (6), 641-658.

  15. Zhou, Min; Dong, Hairong; Wang, Fei-Yue; et al., 2016, Modeling and simulation of pedestrian dynamical behavior based on a fuzzy logic approach, INFORMATION SCIENCES, 360, 112-130.

  16. Tantanatewin, Warakul; Inkarojrit, Vorapat, 2016, Effects of color and lighting on retail impression and identity, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY   46, 197-205.

  17. Lee, Eun Hee; Christopoulos, George I.; Lu, Ming; et al., 2016, Social aspects of working in underground spaces, TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, 55, 135-145.

  18. Deshwal, Pankaj, 2016, Customer experience quality and demographic variables (age, gender, education level, and family income) in retail stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44 (9), 940-955.

  19. Haverfield, Aaron; Su, Xing; Pan, Jing, 2016, A Framework of Color-Coded Indoor Wayfinding Assistance, CONSTRUCTION RESEARCH CONGRESS 2016: OLD AND NEW CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES CONVERGE IN HISTORIC SAN JUAN, 1403-1412.

  20. Ayalp, Nur; Yildirim, Kemal; Bozdayi, Muge; Kubulay, Çağatay, 2016, Consumers' evaluations of fitting rooms in retail clothing stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44(5), 524-539.

  21. Yapılan atıf: Stefan, J., Gueguen, N. and Meineri, S., Influence of the interior and outdoor plants on health: synthesis of research, CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGY-PSYCHOLOGIE CANADIENNE,  56 (4), 405-425, 2015

  22. Yapılan atıf: Yildirim, K., Cagatay, K., and Ayalp, N., Effect of wall colour on the perception of classrooms, INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT, 24 (5), 607-616, 2015

  23. Yapılan atıf: Odabasioglu, and S., Olgunturk, N., EFFECTS OF COLOURED LIGHTING ON THE PERCEPTION OF INTERIOR SPACES, PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 120 (1), 183-201, 2015

  24. Yapılan atıf: Aste, N., Tagliabue, CL., Plladino, P., Testa, D., Integration of a luminescent solar concentrator: Effects on daylight, correlated color temperature, illuminance level and color rendering index, Solar Energy, 114 (4): 174–182, 2015

  25. Giford, R., “Environmental Psychology Matters”, ANNUAL REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 65, pp.542-579, 2014.

  26. Yapılan atıf: Nasir, M., Lim, C.P., Nahavandi, S., Creighton, D., Inclusion of environmental effects in steering behaviour modelling using fuzzy logic, Expert Systems with Applications,  41 (4 PART 2) , pp. 1901-1914, 2014

  27. Yapılan atıf: Okken, V., Rompay, T. and Pruyn, A. “When the World Is Closing In: Effects of Perceived Room Brightness and Communicated Threat During Patient-Physician Interaction”, HERD October 2013 7: 37-53, doi:10.1177/193758671300700104

  28. Yapılan atıf: Elisângela Vilar, Francisco Rebelo, Paulo Noriega, Júlia Teles, Christopher Mayhorn,The influence of environmental features on route selection in an emergency situation, Applied Ergonomics, 44 (4), 618 – 627, 2013.

  29. Yapılan atıf:Anna Charisse Farr, Tristan Kleinschmidt, Prasad Yarlagadda & Kerrie Mengersen, “Wayfinding: A simple concept, a complex process“, Transport Reviews, Version of record first published: 17 Aug 2012, DOI:10.1080/01441647.2012.712555, (Science Citation Index). [Anna Charisse Farr, Tristan Kleinschmidt, Prasad Yarlagadda & Kerrie Mengersen, “Wayfinding: A simple concept, a complex process”, Transport Reviews: A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal , pp. 1-29, 2012 - Taylor & Francis.]


Makale Adı: Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L. & Capanoglu, A., Effects of Interior Colors on Mood and Preference: Comparisons of Two Living Rooms, Perceptual and Motor Skills , Vol. 112 (2), 509-524, 2011. (Social Sciences Citation Index)


  1. Sarıca. C., Çubukçu, E., (2018). Evaluating color combinations using abstract graphics versus pictures of simulated urban setting. ITU AJZ. 15(1): 123-134.

  2. von Castell, Christoph; Hecht, Heiko; Oberfeld, Daniel . (2018). Which Attribute of Ceiling Color Influences Perceived Room Height? HUMAN FACTORS. 60 (8): 1228-1240

  3. Marin-Morales, Javier; Luis Higuera-Trujillo, Juan; Greco, Alberto; et al. (2018). Affective computing in virtual reality: emotion recognition from brain and heartbeat dynamics using wearable sensors. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 8: 13657

  4. Wilms, Lisa; Oberfeld, Daniel (2018). Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness. PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH-PSYCHOLOGISCHE FORSCHUNG. 82 (5): 896-914

  5. Chen, Mo; Fadel, Georges; Xue, Chengqi; et al., 2017, Evaluating the cognitive process of color affordance and attractiveness based on the ERP, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING - IJIDEM, 11 (3), 471-479.

  6. Bitterman, Noemi; Bonen, Ariel, 2016, Design and Human Factors of Therapeutic Hyperbaric Chambers, AEROSPACE MEDICINE AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE, 87(4), 397-405.

  7. Deshwal, Pankaj, 2016, Customer experience quality and demographic variables (age, gender, education level, and family income) in retail stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44 (9), 940-955.

  8. Tekel, Ayse; Akbarishahabi, Leila; Yildirim, Kemal; et al., 2016, The Role of Symbolic Architecture on Aesthetic Judgment: A Cross-cultural Investigation on the Perception of African "Calabash" Figure, GAZI UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 29(3), 525-536.

  9. Ayalp, Nur; Yildirim, Kemal; Bozdayi, Muge; Kubulay, Çağatay, 2016, Consumers' evaluations of fitting rooms in retail clothing stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44(5), 524-539. 

  10. Yapılan Atıf: Desmet, P. M. A. (2015). Design for mood: Twenty activity-based opportunities to design for mood regulation. International Journal of Design, 9(2), 1-19.

  11. Yapılan Atıf: Pop, D., “Experıencıng The Relatıonshıp Between Archıtectural Space And The Major Space Phobıas”, Urbanısm Archıtecture Constructıons, 6 (4), 33-44, 2015




Makale Adı: Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Yıldırım, K. and Çağatay, K., The effects of training and spatial experience on the perception of the interior of buildings with a high level of complexity, Scientific Research and Essays , Vol. 5 No: 5, 2010. (Science Citation Index).


  1. Ergan, Semiha; Shi, Zhuoya; Yu, Xinran. (2018). Towards quantifying human experience in the built environment: A crowdsourcing based experiment to identify influential architectural design features. JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING .20: 51-59

  2. Aburawis, Ayad A. Mohamed; Yorukoglu, Papatya Nur Dokmeci. (2018). An integrated framework on soundscape perception and spatial experience by adapting post-occupancy evaluation methodology. BUILDING ACOUSTICS. 25 (1): 3-16

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Sevinc, Z. and Bozkurt, E., Wayfinding Behaviors In A Healthcare Environment: A Case Study Analysis Of Individual Differences, Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art, Humanities, Design And Planning GU J Sci Part:B 3(3):37-45, 2015

  4. Yapılan Atıf: Ozdemir, A. The effect of window views’ openness and naturalness on the perception of rooms’ spaciousness and brightness: A visual preference study, Scientific Research and Essays , Vol. 5 No: 16, 2275-2287, 2010. (Science Citation Index).


Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K., Akalın-Baskaya, A. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Effects of indoor color on mood and cognitive performance, Building and Environment, Vol. 42, No: 9, 2007. (Science Citation Index)


  1. Baek, Eunsoo; Choo, Ho Jung; Lee, Seung Hwan (2018) Using warmth as the visual design of a store: Intimacy, relational needs, and approach intentions, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 88: 91-101

  2. DeVault, Alicia; Helfrick, Vanessa A.; Marsh, Shawn C.; et al., (2018) Environmental Considerations for Trauma-Responsive Juvenile and Family Courts: A Review of the Literature with Recommendations for Practice. JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 69(2): 5-20

  3. Siamionava, Katsiaryna; Slevitch, Lisa; Tomas, Stacy R.. (2018). Effects of spatial colors on guests' perceptions of a hotel room. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT. 70: 85-94

  4. Baek, Eunsoo; Choo, Ho Jung; Oh, Hyunjoo; et al. (2018). How consumers "see" a visually warm store: Differences between affective and cognitive processors. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR. 17 (2): 149-160

  5. Suzer, Ozge Kumoglu; Olgunturk, Nilgun; Guvenc, Dilek (2018). The effects of correlated colour temperature on wayfinding: A study in a virtual airport environment. DISPLAYS. 51: 9-19

  6. Bogicevic, Vanja; Bujisic, Milos; Cobanoglu, Cihan; et al. (2018). Gender and age preferences of hotel room design. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT. 30 (2): 874-899

  7. Tantanatewin, Warakul; Inkarojrit, Vorapat (2018) The influence of emotional response to interior color on restaurant entry decision. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT. 69: 124-131

  8. Ong, Fon Sim; Khong, Kok Wei; Yeoh, Ken Kyid; et al. (2018) A comparison between structural equation modelling (SEM) and Bayesian SEM approaches on in-store behaviour. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS. 118 (1): 41-64

  9. Kim, I. T.; Choi, A. S.; Sung, M. K., 2017, Development of a Colour Quality Assessment Tool for indoor luminous environments affecting the circadian rhythm of occupants, BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, 126, 252-265.

  10. Bellia, L.; Pedace, A.; Fragliasso, F., 2017, Indoor lighting quality: Effects of different wall colours, LIGHTING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, 49 (1), 33-48.

  11. Lopez-Tarruella Maldonado, Juan; Llinares-Millan, Carmen; Guixeres-Provinciale, Jaime; et al., 2016, Online virtual environments for user-centered design: a case study, DYNA, 91(6), 634-638.

  12. Iyendo, Timothy Onosahwo; Uwajeh, Patrick Chukwuemeke; Ikenna, Ezennia Stephen, 2016, The therapeutic impacts of environmental design interventions on wellness in clinical settings: A narrative review, COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, 24, 174-188.

  13. Tantanatewin, Warakul; Inkarojrit, Vorapat, 2016, Effects of color and lighting on retail impression and identity, JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY, 46, 197-205.

  14. Yildirim, Kemal; Yalcin, Meryem, 2016, An Exploratory and Comparative Evaluation on the Spatial Perception of Two Densities of Multioccupancy Hospital Rooms, HERD-HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN JOURNAL, 9 (3), 212-227.

  15. Deshwal, Pankaj, 2016, Customer experience quality and demographic variables (age, gender, education level, and family income) in retail stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44 (9), 940-955.

  16. Choi, Jungsil (David); Rangan, Priyamvadha; Singh, Surendra N., 2016, Do Cold Images Cause Cold-Heartedness? The Impact of Visual Stimuli on the Effectiveness of Negative Emotional Charity Appeals, JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING, 45(4), 417-426.

  17. Ayalp, Nur; Yildirim, Kemal; Bozdayi, Muge; Kubulay, Çağatay, 2016, Consumers' evaluations of fitting rooms in retail clothing stores, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 44(5), 524-539. 

  18. Choi, Jungsil; Chang, Young Kyun; Lee, Kiljae; et al., 2016, Effect of perceived warmth on positive judgment, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING, 33(4), 235-244.

  19. Orth, Ulrich R.; Wirtz, Jochen; McKinney, Amelia, 2016, Shopping experiences in visually complex environments: a self-regulation account, JOURNAL OF SERVICE MANAGEMENT, 27(2), 194-217.

  20. Yapılan Atıf: Know, RH., Kim, KJ., Kim, KH., Hong, YS., Kim, B., Evaluating servicescape designs using a VR-based laboratory experiment: A case of a Duty-free Shop, Journal of Retailing and Consumer ServicesVolume, 26, 32–40, 2015

  21. Yapılan Atıf: Tehrani, M., Molesworth, BRC., Pre-flight safety briefings, mood and information retention, Appiled Ergonomics, 51, 377-382, 2015

  22. Yapılan Atıf: Kuijsters, A.; Redi, J.; de Ruyter, B.; et al., Affective ambiences created with lighting for older people, LIGHTING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, 47 (7), 859-875, 2015

  23. Yapılan atıf: Yildirim, K., Cagatay, K., and Ayalp, N., Effect of wall colour on the perception of classrooms, INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT, 24 (5), 607-616, 2015

  24. Yapılan atıf: Odabasioglu, and S., Olgunturk, N., EFFECTS OF COLOURED LIGHTING ON THE PERCEPTION OF INTERIOR SPACES, PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 120 (1), 183-201, 2015

  25. Yapılan Atıf: Jin, Eunmi; Kim, Juntae, Analysis of a Sensitivity Evaluation of the Exterior PV System for a House, JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING, 12 (1), 102-108, 2013

  26. Yapılan Atıf:  Wastiels, L; Schifferstein, HNJ ; Wouters, I ; Heylighen, A, “Touching Materials Visually: About the Dominance of Vision in Building Material Assessment“, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGN, 7 (2), 31-41, 2013

  27. Yapılan Atıf: Clarine J. van Oel, Author Vitae, F.W. (Derk) van den Berkhof, Consumer preferences in the design of airport passenger areas, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Volume 36, December 2013, Pages 280–290

  28. Yapılan Atıf: E Lee, NK Park, JH Han, “Gender Difference in Environmental Attitude and Behaviors in Adoption of Energy-Efficient Lighting at Home“, Journal of Sustainable Development, 6 (9), 2013.  URL:

  29. Yapılan Atıf: Wastiels, Lisa; Schifferstein, Hendrik N. J.; Heylighen, Ann; et al., Red or rough, what makes materials warmer? , MATERIALS & DESIGN , 42, 441-449, 2012

  30. Yapılan Atıf: In-Tae Kim, An-Seop Choi, Jae-Weon Jeong, Precise control of a correlated Color temperature tunable luminaire for a suitable luminous environment, Building and Environment , 57, pp. 302-312, 2012.

  31. Yapılan Atıf: Wang, Z., Nie, X., Hu, H., Hussein, R.O., “In situ fabrication of blue ceramic coatings on wrought Al Alloy 2024 by plasma electrolytic oxidation“, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 30(2), 021302; doi:10.1116/1.3675610. 2012

  32. Yapılan Atıf: Wastiels, L., Schifferstein, H.N.J., Heylighen, A., Wouters, I., “Relating material experience to technical parameters: A case study on visual and tactile warmth perception of indoor wall materials“, Building and Environment, 49 (1): 359-367, 2012

  33. Yapılan Atıf: Thomas J. L. van Rompay, Karin Tanja-Dijkstra, Joost W. M. Verhoeven, Annemiek F. van Es, “On Store Design and Consumer Motivation: Spatial Control and Arousal in the Retail Context”, Environment and Behavior, 44(6), 800-820, 2012. (Sciences Citation Index)

  34. Yapılan Atıf: Wei He, Yingchun Zhang, Junpeng Zhu, You Xu, Wenjun Yu, Wanzhen Chen, Yuhong Liu and Wei Wang, “Could sex difference in color preference and its personality correlates fit into social theories? Let Chinese university students tell you”, Personality and Individual Differences, Article in Press, Corrected Proof, 2011

  35. Yapılan Atıf: Cristina Pacheco, C., Duarte, E., Rebelo, F., Teles, J., “ Using Virtual Reality for Interior Colors Selection and Evaluation by the Elderly”, Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics - Chapter 78,Edited by D. Kaber and G. Boy, CRC Press, Pages 784–792, Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3491-6, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-3492-3, 2010.

  36. Yapılan Atıf: Akalin, A. Yıldırım, K., Wilson, C. & Saylan, A. (2010) Users’ Evaluations of House Facades: preference, complexity and impressiveness, Open House International Vol.35 (1): 57-65. (Arts & Humanities Index – A / (Social Sciences Citation Index)

  37. Yapılan Atıf: Wells, D.L., McDonald, C.L., and Ringland, J.E., Color preferences in gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol. 122, No: 2, Page: 213-219, 2008. (Social Sciences Citation Index)

  38. Yapılan Atıf: Minvielle, N., Design des lieux d’accueil: Créer de la valeur par la décoration, Les métiers du tourisme, Editeur: De Boeck (Bruxelles), 197 pages, 2008. (Book)

  39. Yapılan Atıf: Akalin, A. Yıldırım, K., Wilson, C. & Kilicoglu, O. (2009) Architecture and engineering students evaluations of house façades: preference, complexity and impressiveness, Journal of Environmental Psychology 29: 124-132 (Social Sciences Citation Index)


Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K. Akalın, A. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., The Effects of the Store Window Type on Consumers’ Perception and Shopping Attitudes Through the Use of Digital Pictures, G.U. Journal of Science, Vol. 20, No: 2, 2007. (Engineering Index (Compendex), Ebsco, & Isi Master Journal List)


  1. Danielle Lecointre-Erickson, Bruno Dauce and Patrick Legoherel. (2018). The influence of interactive window displays on expected shopping experience. IJRDM. 46(9): 802-819

  2. Yapılan Atıf: Ghosh, P., Tripathi, V., Kumar, A., Customer expectations of store attributes: A study of organized retail outlets in India, Journal of Retail and Leisure Property , Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 75-87(13), February 2010. (Scopus)


Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Effects of the Locations of Curved Areas in the Main Living Rooms of Apartment Housing on User Perceptions, G.U. Journal of Science, 21 (2): 51-63, 2008. (Engineering Index (Compendex), Ebsco, & Isi Master Journal List)


  1. Yapılan Atıf: Yalçın, M., Yıldırım, K., and Bozdayı., AM., Developmental Implications of Children Bedroom in the Interior Environment and Implementations of Adults Preferences, MEGARON, 10(3):305-316, 2015 (DOI: 10.5505/MEGARON.2015.55798)

  2. Yapılan Atıf: Erdogan,E. Akalin, A. Yıldırım, K. & Erdogan, A. (2010) Aesthetic Differences between Freshmen and Pre-architects, Gazi University Journal of Science , 23 (4): 501-509 (Engineering Index (Compendex), Ebsco, & Isi Master Journal List)

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Yıldırım, K., Uzun, O., “The Effects of Space Quality of Dormitory Rooms on Functional and Perceptual Performance of Users: Zübeyde Hanım Sorority”, G.U. Journal of Science, Vol. 23, No: 4,  519-530, 2008. (Engineering Index, Ebsco)

Diğer yurtdışı, yurtiçi dergi, kitap ve proceedings de bulunan atıflar

Makale Adı: Hidayetoglu, M.L., Yildirim, K. and Akalin, A., The effects of color and light on indoor wayfinding and the evaluation of the perceived environment, Journal of Environmental Psychology , 32 (1): 50-58, 2012. (Social Sciences Citation Index)


  1. Bloch. P. And Kamra-Disfani, O. (2018). A framework for Studying the İmpact of Outdoor Atmospherics in retailing. AMS Review. 8:1195-213

  2. Hendy, M.A. and Zahra N.N. (2018). The Role of Interior Design for Enhancing Positive Emotions Within the House. I. J. İnnovation and Applied Studies. 24(1): 147-161

  3. Güneş, E., (2018). Evaluating the Infulence of Environmental Design Elements on the Legibility of a Shopping Mall. Online Journal of Art and Design. 6(5): 71-91.

  4. Adnan, A.M., and Yusri Ammar, (2018). Young Customers’ Atmospheric Factor for Revisit Intention to Theme Restaurants. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies (jABs), 3(11) Nov / Dec 2018 (p.49-60)

  5. Mustikawati,T., Yatmo.Y.A. Atmodiwirjo. P., (2018). Wayfinding beyond signage: retinking the role of spatial objects and object relations. The 2nd International Conference on Eco Engineering Development . doi:10.1088/1755-1315/195/1/012083

  6. Stachon, Z., Kubicek, P., Malek, F., Krejci, M. And Herman, L., (2018). The Role of Hue and Realism in Virtual Reality. Proceedings, 7th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 18-23 June 2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria

  7. Symonds. P., (2018). Finding Our Way: A Socio-Cultural Exploration of Wayfinding as an Embodied Experience. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of Cardiff Metropolitan University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

  8. Krisje Wijgergangs, 2017, Activity choice behaviour of transferring passengers at railway stations, Master of Science, Delft University of  Technology.

  9. Juan López-Tarruella Maldonado, 2017, Dıseño Arquıtectónıco Centrado En El Usuarıo Medıante Neurotecnologías Inmersıvas, Tesıs Doctoral, Universitat Politecnica De  Valencia.

  10. Nur AYALP, Kemal YILDIRIM, Kubulay ÇAĞATAY, 2017, Effect on Users of the Seating Element Types in Cafés / Restaurants, Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(4): 15-28.

  11. Alotaıshan, H.K., 2017, Do We Really Need Signs? Urban Wayshowing Designed From Within The Surroundings, Sustainable Development and Planning IX, WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, 226: 643-654.

  12. Bloch, P., Kamran-Disfani, O., 2017, A Theoretical Framewrok For Studying The Impact Of Outdoor Atmospherics In Retailing, 26 Th Annual Robert Mittelstaedt Doctoral Symposium Proceedings, 159-184.

  13. Yapılan Atıf: Tian, YT., Wai, CW., Ninggal, TH., Healthcare Facilities Settings: An overview of Environmentally-induced Stress on Health, Jurnal Teknologi, 74:2, 93-99, 2015

  14. Yapılan Atıf: Bourguignon, V., Traveller choice behaviour at the passport control at airports; A case study at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Master of Science Thesis MSc Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics Delft University of Technology, 2015

  15. Yapılan Atıf: Kempter, G., Ritter, W., Canazei, M., Using light guiding to structure everyday life, 10th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Applications and Services, EPCE 2013, Held as Part of 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI 2013; Las Vegas, NV; United States; 21 July 2013 through 26 July 2013; Code 98024

  16. Yapılan Atıf: VS Okken, “EXPLORING SPACE, FFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL STIMULI ON SELF-DISCLOSURE“, Thesis, University of Twente, 2013, ISBN: 978-90-365-0738-7.

  17. Yapılan Atıf: M van’t Sant, “Exploring the effect of colored light on psychiatric patients“, Master of Science in Human-Technology Interaction Eindhoven University of Technology, 2013

  18. Yapılan Atıf:  SafetyLit , Weekly Literature Update Bulletin, SafetyLit is a free service of the Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice at San Diego State University in collaboration with the World Health Organization. Volume 15, Number 30, 22 July 2012.

  19. Yapılan Atıf: Sally Augustin, Wayfinding with Color, Research-Design Connection, Giving Voice To Those Who Create Workplace Design & Furnishings, Page 19 OF 31, Office Insight.

  20. Yapılan Atıf: Anabela Vitorino; Sónia Morgado; Sónia Morgado; Luís Cid, “Color Psychology in A Changing World“, International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology, INFAD Revisla de Psicologia. Ano XXIV Numer. 1 (2012 Volumen 4) ISSN: 0214-9877. pp: 45-52.


Makale Adı: Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L. & Capanoglu, A., Effects of Interior Colors on Mood and Preference: Comparisons of Two Living Rooms, Perceptual and Motor Skills , Vol. 112 (2), 509-524, 2011. (Social Sciences Citation Index)


  1. Lilia R. Prado-León, Perla Liliana Zambrano-Prado, Susana Herrada-Rodríguez, Sonia Felizardo-Gómez. (2018). Color Preferences for Private and Semi-private Areas in Hotels. Universal Journal of Psychology 6(4): 113-120, 2018

  2. Pop, D., Matu, S.A., Szentagotai, A., (2017). Experımentalassessment Between Buıldıng Regulatıons And Claustrophobıa, Experimental Assessment between Building Regulations and Claustrophobia 9(3). 251-264.

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Chen, M. Fadel, G., Xue, C., Wang, H., Mata, I., Chen, Y., Evaluating the cognitive process of color affordance and attractiveness based on the ERP, Int J Interact Des Manuf DOI 10.1007/s12008-015-0286-z, Published online, 2015

  4. Yapılan Atıf: Hagen, MV., Galetzka, M., and Pruyn, AT., Waiting Experience in Railway Environments, Journal of Motivation, Emotion, and Personality 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 41–55

  5. Yapılan Atıf: Ly, Bao Chau, "THE EFFECTS OF VISUAL COLOR STIMULI ON ZEBRA FINCH BEHAVIOR AND STRESS RESPONSE." Thesis, Georgia State University, 2014.

  6. Yapılan Atıf: Barbara Stamenković, ”Povezanost boja i emocija/blogerski i stručni pogled“,  Callegari – Talijanska, Skola, Mode i Dizajna, 2013

  7. Yapılan Atıf: I Bakker, TJM van der Voordt, J de Boon, P Vink, 2013, Red or blue meeting rooms: does it matter?: The impact of colour on perceived productivity, social cohesion and wellbeing,Facilities, 31, 1/2, 68-83.


Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K., Akalın-Baskaya, A. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Effects of indoor color on mood and cognitive performance, Building and Environment, Vol. 42, No: 9, 2007. (Science Citation Index)


  1. Gökbulut. N. ve Yıldırım. K. (2018). Tasarım Stüdyolarında Çizim Masası Yoğunluğunun Öğrencilerin Algısal Performansı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Online Journal of Art and Design. 6(4):168-182

  2. Kalaycı. T., (2018). The Effect of Colors Used in Interior Designs on the Human Psychology. İn: Educational Sciences Research in the Globalizing World. (Eds. Koleva, I. ,Başal, H.A., Tufan, M., Atasoy, E.). St. Klıment Ohrıdskı Unıversıty Press: Sofia

  3. Justin Kaewnopparat, (2017). The Impact of Photography on Tourism: Photography Construction Perspective. University of Tennessee, Knoxville Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange, Doctoral Dissertations.

  4. Karaca, K.Ç. (2018). Restoran Atmosferinin Tekrar Ziyaret Niyetine Etkisi: Akış Deneyiminin Aracılık Rolü. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Turizm İşletmeciliği Anabilim Dalı, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.

  5. Nur AYALP, Kemal YILDIRIM, Kubulay ÇAĞATAY, 2017, Effect on Users of the Seating Element Types in Cafés / Restaurants, Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(4): 15-28.

  6. Ökzan, A., Yıldırım, K., Tuna, D., 2017, Influence of Design Styles on User Preferences in Hotel Guestrooms, Online Journal of Art and Design, 5(2): 53-71.

  7. Juan López-Tarruella Maldonado, 2017, Dıseño Arquıtectónıco Centrado En El Usuarıo Medıante Neurotecnologías Inmersıvas, Tesıs Doctoral, Universitat Politecnica De  Valencia.

  8. Siamionava, K., Slevitch, L., Chandrasekera, T., 2017, Understanding the Effects of Spatial Colors on Perceptions of a Hotel Room from a Cultural Perspective, International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 3(5): 45-54.

  9. Arslan, H.D., Yıldırım, K., 2017, Perceptual Evaluation of the Mosque Facades of Different Periods: Preference, Complexity, Impressiveness, and Stimulative, Megaron, 12(4):511-523.

  10. Eunsoo Baek, Ho Jung Choo, Hyunjoo Oh, So‐Yeon Yoon, 2017, How consumers “see” a visually warm store: Differences between affective and cognitive processors, J Consumer Behav. , 1–12. DOI: 10.1002/cb.1698

  11. Yapılan Atıf: Wu, TY., and Wang, SG., Effects of LED Color Temperature and Illuminance on Customers' Emotional States and Spatial Impressions in a Restaurant, International Journal of Affective Engineering, 14 (1), pp.19-29, 2015

  12. Yapılan Atıf: Ballantine, PW., Parsons, A., and Comeskey, K., A conceptual model of the holistic effects of atmospheric cues in fashion retailing, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Vol. 43 No. 6, pp. 503-517, 2015 (DOI 10.1108/IJRDM-02-2014-0015

  13. Yapılan Atıf: Dalton, NS., Dalton, NS., Peverett, I., Clinch, S., Using laser scanning to produce 3D isovists of real environments, Proceedings of the 10th International Space Syntax Symposium, 143:1-143:9, 2015

  14. Yapılan Atıf: Goi, M.t. and Kalidas V., Effect of Servicescape on Emotion, Mood, and Experience of Heis’ Students, Proceedings of 12th Asian Business Research Conference 8 - 9 October 2015, Novotel Hotel Bangkok on Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand, 2015 (ISBN: 978-1-922069-85-6)

  15. Yapılan Atıf: VS Okken, “EXPLORING SPACE, FFECTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL STIMULI ON SELF-DISCLOSURE“, Thesis, University of Twente, 2013, ISBN: 978-90-365-0738-7.

  16. Yapılan Atıf: Bart Hulshof, “The influence of colour and scent on people’s mood and cognitive performance in meeting rooms“, Master Thesis, University of Twente, 2013

  17. Yapılan Atıf: Roger Feltman, “Context and Color Preferences: Does The Preference for Red Vary Across Romance and Achievement Contexts?”, PhD. Thesis, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology Arts, Sciences and Engineering, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 2012

  18. Yapılan Atıf: Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, MahmoudAbedi, Contemporization of Historic Monuments with Particular Reference to Contemporary Architecture and Design, International Journal of Basics and Applied Sciences, Vol.01, No. 03, Jan 2013, pp. 578-586.

  19. Yapılan Atıf:  Devina Oodith, Sanjana Brijball Parumasur, The Impact of Sick Building Syndrome on Call Centre Agents’ Effectiveness, Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 532-547, Sep 2012.

  20. Yapılan Atıf:  Suhaila Sufar, Anuar Talib, Haris Hambali, Towards a Better Design: Physical Interior Environments of Public Libraries in Peninsular Malaysia, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 42 , 2012, Pages 131–143.

  21. Yapılan Atıf: Nurlelawati Ab. Jalil, Rodzyah Mohd Yunus, Normahdiah S. Said, Environmental Colour Impact upon Human Behaviour: A Review, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences , Volume 35 , 2012, Pages 54–62.

  22. Yapılan Atıf: Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, Mahmoud Abedi, Evaluation and Comparison of the Meaning and Concepts of Contemporary Urban Parks and Historic Gardens, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) , Vol. 2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4743-4748.

  23. Yapılan Atıf: Alain FINDELI, Noëlle von WYL, Josef SÜTTERLIN, “Une méthode de caractérisation des ambiances lumineuses en architecture d’intérieur“, 2nd International Congress on Ambiances, Montreal 2012, pp203-208.

  24. Yapılan Atıf: Mahdavinejad, M. and Abedi, M., 2012, “Evaluation and Comparison of the Meaning and Concepts of Contemporary Urban Parks and Historic Gardens”, International Journal of Modern Engineering Research, 2 (6), 4743-4748.

  25. Yapılan Atıf: Cagirci S, Yegenoglu S, Uner MM. Turkish community pharmacists’ self-report of their pharmacies’ physical atmosphere. J Res Pharm Pract 2012;1:14-20

  26. Yapılan Atıf: Lisa Wastiels, Hendrik N.J. Schifferstein, Ann Heylighen, Ine Wouters, Red or rough, what makes materials warmer?, Materials & Design, Volume 42, December 2012, Pages 441–449.

  27. Yapılan Atıf: Admin of, “A design for a bedroom of 3 star hotels”, 2012 (Essay).

  28. Yapılan Atıf: Egle Cicenaite, Maria Maciejewska, The role of the perceived servicescape in a supermarket, The case of ICA MAXI, Jönköping University , Sweden, Master’s thesis within International Marketing , Jönköping 2012.

  29. Y apılan Atıf: Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Chapter Two, Color in Context Theory, 66-70, 2012. (Book)

  30. Y apılan Atıf: Tyan-yu Wu and Sheng-guang Wang, “The influence of LED color temperature and illuminance on users pleasure responses- using dining area as an example“, KEER2012 Green Kansei, International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research , 22-25 May, 2012 Penghu, Taiwan.

  31. Yapılan Atıf: Nezhad, H.A., Fariborzi, E. Principles of physical and virtual design: Attracting potential customers, Design Principles and Practices 5 (5), pp. 189-199, 2011.

  32. Yapılan Atıf: Hsiang-ho Li, A Study on Customer’s Perception Value to a Restaurant from Perspectives of Color, Institute of Tourism Management , 2011-07-22.

  33. Yapılan Atıf: Sofia Enocsson, Matilda Eriksson, Emelie Rolfsson, Small Store in A Small City- The store environment’s importance for individual clotting stores, Examensarbete, Högskolan I Skövde, Vartermin 2011.

  34. Y apılan Atıf: Cristina Pacheco, Emília Duarte, Francisco Rebelo, Júlia Teles, Using Virtual Reality for interior colors selection and evaluation by the elderly, Advances in Cognitive Ergonomics, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.

  35. Y apılan Atıf: Carole P. Biggam, Carole A. Hough, Christian J. Kay, David R. Simmons, New Directions in Colour Studies, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2011. (Book)

  36. Y apılan Atıf: Nurlelawati Ab. Jalil, Rodzyah Mohd Yunus & Normahdiah S. Said, “Environmental Colour Impact upon Human Behaviour: A Review“, Asia Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies , Salamis Bay Conti Resort Hotel, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 7-9 December 2011.

  37. Y apılan Atıf: Thomas van Rompay and Mirjam Galetzka, “De invloed van kleur op het dranktempo van gasten in een restaurant“, Universiteit Twente , Bachelorthese , Marjolein Lobbes s0096539 , 15-04-2011.

  38. Y apılan Atıf: Wallace, K., Hartman, M., Rast, P. & Mackey, J., “The InterACTIVE Classroom”, February 11, 2011.

  39. Y apılan Atıf: Adriana De Donato , 2011, Efeitos das Cores em Ambientes no Espírito e Desempenho Cognitivo, Hierobrant, “ Espargindo a Espagiria”, “ William Massagens – A saúde pelo toque “.

  40. Y apılan Atıf: E.Türe, S., A. Karaküçük, “Study of education environments in terms of physical/spatial variables in regional primary boarding schools”, Ankara University, Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, year: 2011, vol: 44, no: 2,  165-197 Study of education environments in terms of physical/spatial variables in regional primary boarding schools

  41. Yapılan Atıf: Gildas Aitamer, Quan Zhou, “Motives and Guidance for the Use of Sensory Marketing in Retailing”, Karlstad Business School, Handelshögskolan vid Karlstad Universited, Master‟s Thesis, p.15, 2011

  42. Yapılan Atıf:  Choi, J., Singh, S.N., Rangan, P., Unantıcıpated Marketıng Effects Of Color On The Effıcacy Of Charıtable Appeals, 20th Annual Robert Mıttelstaedt Doctoral Symposıum Proceedings,p.199-219, 2011

  43. YapılanAtıf: Kasal, A, Demirci, S., Aliyazıcıoğlu, S., Acar, M., Farklı Renklerle Tasarlanan Bir Yaşama Mekânının İnsanlar Üzerindeki Psikolojik Etkileri , 17.Ulusal Ergonomi Kongresi 14-16 Ekim 2011 ESKİŞEHİR.


  45. YapılanAtıf: Verhoeven, J.W.M., Keeping Up Appearances: Service Environments as Symbolic Communication, PhD Thesis, University of Twente, p.148, December 2009.

  46. YapılanAtıf: Joe Cline, “Interior Design Tips for a Healthier You“, Austin Texas real estate,10/07/2009

  47. Yapılan Atıf: Meliha Begüm Söker, “The Role of Color on the Assessment of Retail Spaces: Restaurant Atmospherics”, A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University , July, 2009.

  48. Yapılan Atıf: Seden Odabasıoğlu, “Effects of Colored Lighting on the Perception of Interior Spaces”,A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University , July, 2009.

  49. Yapılan Atıf:  W. Kaufmann, A. van Witteloostuijn & Ch. Boone, Colorful Economics: Seeing Red in a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game, Faculty Of Applıed Economıcs Department Of Management, 1-36, 2009.

  50. Yapılan Atıf: Osman, S., Othman, N., “The influence of perception of in-store colour on consumers’ in-store behaviour”, Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics 12 (1), pp. 1-15, 2009

  51. Yapılan Atıf:Arvidsson, L., Palmgren, T., Rowland, S., Affecting Consumer Behaviour to Increase the Willingness to Purchase More Fruit, School of Economics and Management, Lund University,BUSM08, Master Thesis in International Marketing, Page:122, Spring 2008.

  52. Yapılan Atıf: M. van Hagen, J. Peters, M. Galetzka, A.T.H. Pruyn., the Influence Of Colour And Lıght On The Experıence And Satısfactıon Wıth A Dutch Raılway Statıon: Colour and light on the platform: two virtual experiments, Contribution to the European Transport Conference, Noordwijkerhout-The Netherlands, Page: 1-20, 6-8 October 2008.

  53. Yapılan Atıf: van Hagen, M., Peters, J. and Galetzka, M., DE INVLOED VAN KLEUR EN LICHT OP DE STATIONSBELEVING / Kleur en licht op het perron: Twee virtuele experimenten, Bijdrage aan het Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk, P:18, 20 en 21 November 2008, Santpoort.

  54. Yapılan Atıf: Yıldırım, K., Akalın, A., Çağatay, K., “Otel Yatak Odalarının İç Mekân Tasarımının Kullanıcıların Algı-Davranışsal Performansı Üzerine Etkisi”, Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt:11 Sayı: 2 s.175-185, 2008

  55. Yapılan Atıf: Vicente, A., L., Guillamón, N.M., Álvarez, T.Z., Casanoves, M.C., Seder, R.M.P., Pérez, M.J.S., Lacuesta, J.J.S. and Pastor, J.M.P., 2010, Factores de éxito en el punto de venta del espacio baño, MANUAL DE BUENAS PRÁCTICAS, IBV, CVida, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

  56. Yapılan Atıf:, “Interior light effects on human mood and social behaviour”, Posted by Hanieh on June 25, 2010 at 4:55 PM.

  57. Yapılan Atıf: Jungsil Choi, Surendra Singh (2010), “UNANTICIPATED MARKETING EFFECTS OF COLOR: EMPIRICAL TESTS IN TWO CONTEXTS“, in Advances in Consumer Research Volume 38, eds. Darren W. Dahl, Gita V. Johar, and Stijn M.J. van Osselaer, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research.

  58. Yapılan Atıf: Groothuis, Gerrit-Jan, “ATMOSPHERE PERCEPTION underlying structure and ambient & cultural effects 2009- 2010” , Organization: Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Work and Organizational Psychology Maastricht University , Maastricht, The Netherlands.

  59. Yapılan Atıf: Wilfried Post, Anita Cremers, Dirk Heylen, Jacomien de Jong Iwan de Kok, Marleen Rakhorst-Oudendijk, Anton Nijholt and Dhaval Vyas, “Deliverable D2.5: Final report on Human Factors Evaluation”, AMIDA: Augmented Multi-party Interaction with Distance Access, Integrated Project IST–033812, Funded under 6th FWP (Sixth Framework Programme), Action Line: IST-2005-2.5.7 Multimodal interfaces, 17/12/2009.

  60. Yapılan Atıf: Verhoeven, J.W.M., Keeping Up Appearances: Service Environments as Symbolic Communication, PhD Thesis , University of Twente , p.148, December 2009.

  61. Yapılan Atıf: Rita Margarida Melo Proença Cameira, “Store Atmosphere: Comparing Super and Hypermarket Customer Perception”, Master Thesis in International Management , Lisboa: ISCTE, 2009.

  62. Yapılan Atıf: Cline, J., Interior Design Tips for a Healthier You, Artipot, Creatology, Articlealley,Articlesnatch, Santa Barbara, Modern Home Decor, Dec 25, 2009.

  63. Yapılan Atıf: Fisher, M., Taking your color temperature, Psychology in the News, May 27, 2009.

  64. Yapılan Atıf: Zhang, N., and Xi, W., Compare in-store atmospheres of McDonald’s in China and Sweden from a cultural symbolic perspective, International Marketing and Brand Management,BUSM08 Marketing Thesis in International Marketing: Supervisors: Ulf Johansson, Karin Alm, Page: 88, May27, 2008.

  65. Yapılan Atıf: Peters, J., Meer licht op kleur?! Een onderzoek naar de invloed van kleur en licht op de stationsbeleving van reizigers van de NS, Universiteit Twente, Page: 106, September, 2008.

  66. Yapılan Atıf: T.A.M. van Erp., The effects of lighting characteristics on atmosphere perception, Eindhoven University of Technology – Department of Technology Management, Master Thesis in Human Technology Interaction Program, Page: 80, April 2008.

  67. Yapılan Atıf: Annemiek van Es, The Interaction of Retail Density, Color and Motive: Effects on Shopper Responses, Afstudeercommissie: Rompay, dr. T.J.L. van, Verhoeven, drs. J.W.M., Master Thesis in Universiteit Twente, 2008.

  68. Yapılan Atıf: Arvidsson, L., Palmgren, T., Rowland, S., Affecting Consumer Behaviour to Increase the Willingness to Purchase More Fruit, School of Economics and Management, Lund University,BUSM08, Master Thesis in International Marketing, Page:122, Spring 2008.

  69. Yapılan Atıf: EDRA 39 Goes South for 2088, Design Research News, Environmental Design Research Association , Veracruz , Mexico May 28- June 01, 2008.

  70. Yapılan Atıf: Library & Information Services, Guide to Resources in Interior Design, University of Bahrain, 2007.

  71. Yapılan Atıf: Doğan, Ş.M., “Müşteri yoğunluğu ile tüketici alışveriş davranış ilişkisine yönelik teknoloji marketinde bir pilot çalışma”, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal bilimler enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2007.

  72. Yapılan Atıf: ISG Headquarters relocation: A case study in best practice and change management, In association with the British Council for Offices; In 2007 ISG was awarded the BCO Best of the Best as well as both Regional and National Fit Out of Workplace for their corporate headquarters in London.


MakaleAdı: Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Yıldırım, K. and Çağatay, K., The effects of training and spatial experience on the perception of the interior of buildings with a high level of complexity, Scientific Research and Essays , Vol. 5 No: 3, 2010. (Science Citation Index).


  1. Çağatay,K., Yıldırım, K., Gökbulut, N., Subaşı, T., 2017, The Effects Of  Interior Design In Open Offices On Employee’s Motivation , Mugla Journal Of Science And Technology, Vol 3, No 1, 2017, Pages 20-26.

  2. Yapılan Atıf: Fahimeh Malekinezhad, H. Lamit and Mahdi Torabi, Influence of Familiarity on Designers and Non-Designers in Rating of Urban Sculptures, 6th Seatuc Symposium, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Thailand, Mar. 2012.

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Laporan Penelitian, “Ringkasan Eksekutif Laporan Evaluasi Sistem Wayfinding Dan Orientasi Di Gedung Universitas Kristen Petra“, Universitas Kristen Petra , Surabaya, Agustus 31, 2011 .


MakaleAdı: Yıldırım, K. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Effects of the Locations of Curved Areas in the Main Living Rooms of Apartment Housing on User Perceptions, G.U. Journal of Science, Vol. 21, No: 2, 2008. (EBSCO / Ulakbim)


  1. Yapılan Atıf: Mine Ulusoy, Ebru Erdogan, Emine Yıldız and H. Abdullah Erdogan, “An Investigation on Residential Satisfaction in Mass Housing: A Case Study of Garanti Houses in Konya-Turkey“,EPOKA University, 1. ICAUD / 2012.


Makale Adı:Yıldırım, K., Başkaya, A. ve Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Farklı Sosyo-Ekonomik Düzeye Sahip Blok-Konut Kullanıcılarının Sabit İç Donatım Elemanlarından Memnuniyeti, Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt 8, No: 2, 2005.


  1. Yapılan Atıf: Yıldırım, K., Akalın, A., Şimşek, M., Kahraman, N., Konut İç Mekân Donatı Elemanları ile Teknolojik Ürünler Arası İlişkilerin Kullanıcı Memnuniyetine Etkisi, Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt:11 Sayı: 1 s.77-81, 2008.

  2. Yapılan Atıf:Küreli, İ. ve Uzun, O., Konutların Ana Yaşama Mekânının Büyüklüğünün Kullanıcıların İşlevsellik ve Esneklik Değerlendirmeleri Üzerine Etkileri , Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt:10 Sayı: 4 s.433-439, 2007.

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Yıldırım, K., Döngel, N., Gürleyen L., Konut İç Mekân Donatı Elemanlarının Tasarımında Teknolojik Ürünlerin Etkisinin Belirlenmesi,  Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt:10 Sayı: 2 s.198-204, 2007.

  4. Yapılan Atıf: Uzun, O., İşlevsellik Ve Esneklik Kavramlarının  Salon İç Mekanı Ve Donanımı Boyutunda Analizi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2006.

  5. Yapılan Atıf: Şimşek, M., Konut İç Mekân Donatı Elemanları İle Teknolojik Ürünler Arası İlişkilerin Kullanıcı Memnuniyetine Etkileri, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2007.

  6. Yapılan Atıf: Arslan, S., Orta Nitelikli Konut Salonlarının İç Mekân Analizi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2006.


Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K. ve Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Geleneksel Türk Evi Ahşap Tavan Süsleme Özelliklerinin ve Yapım Tekniklerinin Çeşitliliği Üzerine Bir İnceleme “The Investigation of Wooden Ceilings Belonging to Traditional Türk Houses”, 9th International Symposium of Traditional Arts, İzmir, 16-18 November, 2006.


  1. Bulut, İ., Değişgeç, C., Güney, H., Uzun, O., (2017)Kültürel Peyzaj Açısından Geleneksel Ağlasun Evleri, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Aralık 2017 21(4):1703-1719

  2. Koç, N., 2017, Türkiye’deki Çerkes Evlerinin (Adıge Vune) Sosyal Hayata Etkileri, Comite International D’etudes Pre-Ottomanes Et Ottomanes, 4-8 Ekim 2016, Trabzon

  3. Çevrimli, N., 2017, Denizli ve Çevresinde Yer Alan Bazı Câmilerin Yapı Elemanlarının Değerlendirmesi, Vakıflar Dergisi, 47: 169-204.

  4. Yapılan Atıf: Burkut, EB., Osmanlı / Türk Evi Mekan Kurgusunu Modern Konut Mimarisinde  Okumak, FSM Üniverstesi, Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, YL Tezi, 2014 

  5. Yapılan Atıf: DG Yilmaz, (2013), Stone masonry walls and woodworks as architectural heritages in rural areas of the Eastern Anatolia Region, Turkey: case studies, Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of  Heritage Architecture VIII, C.A. Brebbia (Ed.), Wit Press, UK.

  6. Yapılan Atıf:  İbrahimzade, K., Atak, E., Tokat’ta bir Konut Örneği, Vakıflar Dergisi, 34, 113-123, 2010.

  7. Yapılan Atıf: Korumaz, M., Korumaz, A.G., Documentation of Traditional Wooden Ceiling in Traditional Turkish Architecture with Photogrammetric Method, 22nd CIPA Symposium, October 11-15, 2009, Kyoto, Japan.



Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K., Hidayetoğlu, M.L. ve Şen, A., Farklı Mimari Biçimlerdeki Kafe/Pastane Mekânlarının Kullanıcıların Algı-Davranışsal Performansı Üzerine Etkisi, Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt 10, No: 3, 2007.


  1. Nur AYALP, Kemal YILDIRIM, Kubulay ÇAĞATAY, 2017, Effect on Users of the Seating Element Types in Cafés / Restaurants, Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(4): 15-28.

  2. Arslan, H.D., Yıldırım, K., 2017, Perceptual Evaluation of the Mosque Facades of Different Periods: Preference, Complexity, Impressiveness, and Stimulative, Megaron, 12(4):511-523.

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Karaküçük, S., “Okul Rehberlik Servislerinin Fiziksel/Mekânsal Koşullarının İncelenmesi(Rehber Öğretmenlerin Mekânsal Algıları Bağlamında)”, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Say ı : 28 Y ı l: 2010/1 (421-440 s.)

  4. Yapılan Atıf: Yıldırım, K., Akalın, A., Çağatay, K., “Otel Yatak Odalarının İç Mekân Tasarımının Kullanıcıların Algı-Davranışsal Performansı Üzerine Etkisi”, Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt:11 Sayı: 2 s.175-185, 2008


Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K. Akalın, A. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., The Effects of the Store Window Type on Consumers’ Perception and Shopping Attitudes Through the Use of Digital Pictures, G.U. Journal of Science, Vol. 20, No: 2, 2007. (Engineering Index (Compendex), Ebsco, & Isi Master Journal List)


  1. Gökbulut. N. ve Yıldırım. K. (2018). Tasarım Stüdyolarında Çizim Masası Yoğunluğunun Öğrencilerin Algısal Performansı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Online Journal of Art and Design. 6(4):168-182

  2. Nur AYALP, Kemal YILDIRIM, Kubulay ÇAĞATAY, 2017, Effect on Users of the Seating Element Types in Cafés / Restaurants, Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(4): 15-28.

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Wu, J., Kim, A., and Koo, J., Co-design visual merchandising in 3D virtual stores: a facet theory approach, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management Vol. 43 No. 6, pp. 538-560, 2015 (DOI 10.1108/IJRDM-03-2014-0030)

  4. Yapılan Atıf: Sanda Renko, Inga Grgić, “Važnost izloga u stvaranju identiteta i atraktivnosti prodavnice”, Marketing, 43 (4), 270-278, 2013.

  5. Yapılan Atıf: F Yüksel, ”The Streetscape: Effects on Shopping Tourists’ Product/Service Quality Inferences and Their Approach Behaviors“, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism,14 (2), 101-122, 2013.

  6. Yapılan Atıf: Malika RANI, “Study on The Impact of Visual Merchandising on Consumer Buying Behavior”, Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics and Management, Volume 2, Issue 6 (June, 2012).

  7. Yapılan Atıf: Vincent C.S. Heung, Tianming Gu, Influence of restaurant atmospherics on patron satisfaction and behavioral intentions, International Journal of Hospitality Management 31 (2012) 1167– 1177. (Scopus)

  8. Yapılan Atıf: Holmberg, K. and Öhrström, K., En blick säger mer än tusen ord. En postmodern studie om skyltfönstrets roller i stadsrummet och stopping power. (English title: One glance is worth a thousand words. A postmodern review about stopping power and the roles of a shop window in the urban space) Stockholms Universitet, Thesis 2011

  9. Yapılan Atıf: Yasemin Burcu Çakırlar “Factors Affecting Evaluations of Storefront Designs and Inferences on Store Characteristics”, A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, July, 2010.

  10. Yapılan Atıf: Asutay, S., Mücevher Mağazalarında Ürün Sergileme ve İç Mekân Tasarım Sorunları Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Çukurova Bölgesi Örneği, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İç Mimarlık Anasanat Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi , Adana, 2010.

  11. Yapılan Atıf: Ratna, S., Pengaruh Citra Supermarket Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Di Metro Supermarket, Fakultas Psıkologı Unıversıtas Sumatera Utara Genap , Page 1-108, 09-Jun-2010. (Book)

  12. Yapılan Atıf: Dr. Juanjuan Wu (Instructor)., Retail Environments and Human Behavior, University of Minnesota, College of Design, Department of Design, Housing and Apparel , Fall 2009.


Makale Adı:M.L. Hidayetoğlu, 2013, “Geleneksel Türk Evi Donatı Elemanlarının Restorasyonu ve Çağdaş Yapılarda Yeniden Kullanımı: Bir Şerbetlik Örneği”, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 28, 293-303.


  1. Gökdemir, A., Demirel, C., 2017, The Proposal of Investigation and Restoration of Historical Kastamonu Castle’s Architecture, IOSR Journal of Engineering, 6(12): 67-72.

  2. Gökdemir, A., Demirel, C., 2017, Investigation Of Architecture Of Historical Safranbolu Houses With Structural Corruption Factors And Sustainability, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 4(10): 8350-8355.

  3. Yapılan Atıf: Gursoy, E., UŞAK’TAKİ TARİHİ EVLERDE GİRİŞ DÜZENLEMELERİ, Turkish Studies International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/6 Spring 2015, p. 499-520 DOI Number:, 2015



Makale Adı: Yildirim, K., Ayalp, N., Aktas, G.G., Hidayetoglu,M.L., 2014, “Consumer perceptions and functional evaluations of cash desk types in the clothing retail context”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 42 Iss: 6, pp.542 – 552.


  1. Gökbulut. N. ve Yıldırım. K. (2018). Tasarım Stüdyolarında Çizim Masası Yoğunluğunun Öğrencilerin Algısal Performansı Üzerindeki Etkileri. Online Journal of Art and Design. 6(4):168-182

  2. Nur AYALP, Kemal YILDIRIM, Kubulay ÇAĞATAY, 2017, Effect on Users of the Seating Element Types in Cafés / Restaurants, Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(4): 15-28.

  3. Arslan, H.D., Yıldırım, K., 2017, Perceptual Evaluation of the Mosque Facades of Different Periods: Preference, Complexity, Impressiveness, and Stimulative, Megaron, 12(4):511-523.

Makale Adı: Yıldırım, K., Capanoğlu, A., Cagatay, K. & Hidayetoğlu, M.L., "Effect of Wall Colour on the Perception of Hairdressing Salons", Journal of the International Colour Association, Vol: 7, 51-63, 2012.

  1. Tantanatewin, W. And Inkarojit,V. (2018). The Infulence of Emotional Response to Interiour Color on Restaurant entry Decision. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 69:124-131


Makale Adı: Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L. & Capanoglu, A., Effects of Interior Colors on Mood and Preference: Comparisons of Two Living Rooms, Perceptual and Motor Skills , Vol. 112 (2), 509-524, 2011. (Social Sciences Citation Index)

  1. Juan López-Tarruella Maldonado, 2017, Dıseño Arquıtectónıco Centrado En El Usuarıo Medıante Neurotecnologías Inmersıvas, Tesıs Doctoral, Universitat Politecnica De  Valencia.

  2. Wilms, L., Oberfeld, D., 2017, Color and emotion: effects of hue, saturation, and brightness, Psychological Research, DOI 10.1007/s00426-017-0880-8.

  3. Arslan, H.D., Yıldırım, K., 2017, Perceptual Evaluation of the Mosque Facades of Different Periods: Preference, Complexity, Impressiveness, and Stimulative, Megaron, 12(4):511-523.

  4. Özgüner, E., 2017, The Influence Of Space Characteristics On The Preference Of Cafes As Workplaces, Master Of Fine Arts, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, Ankara.


Makale Adı:Yildirim, K., Cagatay, K., and Hidayetoglu,M.L., (2015) "The effect of age, gender and education level on customer evaluations of retail furniture store atmospheric attributes", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 43 Iss: 8, pp.712 – 726


  1. Arslan, H.D., Yıldırım, K., 2017, Perceptual Evaluation of the Mosque Facades of Different Periods: Preference, Complexity, Impressiveness, and Stimulative, Megaron, 12(4):511-523.


Makale Adı:Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L., Sen, A., “Effects on Sustainability of Various Skylight Systems in Buildings with an Atrium”, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 1 (2), 139 – 152, 2012 (Ebsco)

  1. Karam M. Al-Obaidi, M. Arkam C. Munaaim, Muhammad Azzam Ismail, Abdul Malik Abdul Rahman, 2017, Designing an integrated daylighting system for deep-plan spaces in Malaysian low-rise buildings, Solar Energy 149: 85–101.


Makale Adı:Yıldırım, K., Akalın, A., Yeşilkavak, F. ve Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Konut Mutfaklarının Mekân Kalitesinin Kullanıcıların Fonksiyonel ve Algısal Performansına Etkisi: TOKİ Eryaman 7. Etap Konutları,Journal of Polytechnic , Cilt 10, No: 4, 2007.


  1. Yapılan Atıf:  Eser DÜZCAN, “TÜRKİYE’DEKİ GÜNCEL KONUT ARAŞTIRMALARINDA ‘EV’ OLGUSU“, Kadir Has Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 2012.

  2. Yapılan Atıf: Gülşah GELEGEN, “Yeni konutlardaki mutfak tasarımının tüketicilere ergonomik açıdan uygunluğu ve tüketicilerin mutfaklarına ilişkin görüşleri”, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2009

Bildiri adı:Yıldırım, K. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Türk Yaşam Kültürünün Geleneksel Türk Evlerindeki Yansımaları “Reflections in the Traditional Turkish House of Turkish life Culture”, 4th International Turkısh Culture and Art Congress/Art Actıvıty , Kahire / Egypt, 02-07 November, 2009

  1. Polat, O., (2018). The Analysis Of The Changes In The Interior Design Of Houses Due To The Westernization Movements In 19th Century In The Ottoman Empire. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal. 5(12): 209-217.

  2. Gökdemir, A., Demirel, C., 2017, The Proposal of Investigation and Restoration of Historical Kastamonu Castle’s Architecture, IOSR Journal of Engineering, 6(12): 67-72.

  3. Gökdemir, A., Demirel, C., 2017, Investigation Of Architecture Of Historical Safranbolu Houses With Structural Corruption Factors And Sustainability, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 4(10): 8350-8355.

Bildiri adı: Yıldırım, K., Kahraman, N. ve Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Geleneksel Afyonkarahisar Evlerine Ait Kapıların İncelenmesi “The Investigation of Doors Belonging to Traditional Afyonkarahisar Houses”, 9th International Symposium of Traditional Arts, İzmir, 16-18 November, 2006

  1. Kunduracı. O. Ve Bahargülü., N., (2018). Geleneksel Afyonkarahisar Evleri Cephe Düzenlemeleri. SUTAD Bahar (43): 491-522


Bildiri adı:Hidayetoglu, M.L., 2012, “Taking Inspiration from Local Culture in Furniture Design Education:Cultural Identity in Design, Turkish Culture Sample”, Conference of International  Journal of Arts and Science, 29 October – 01 November 2012, Rome / Italy

  1. Özdemir. N., (2018).Ahşap Bükme Mobilyaların Türkiye’deki Gelişimi: Oturma Mobilyalarında Biçim-Köken İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi  Ağaç işleri Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.

Bildiri adı: Küçük, B., and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Türk  Yaşam Kültüründeki Değişimin Osmanlı Dönemi  Sivil Mimarlık Eserleri Üzerindeki Etkileri, Geleneksel Denizli Evleri Örneği, 5th International Turkısh Culture and Art Congress/Art Actıvıty , Madrid / Spain, 09-13 May, 2011.

  1. Yıldırım, K., Ünlü, F., Aydın, M., 2017, Üst Sosyo Ekonomik Düzeye Sahip Apartman Konutların Açık Yaşama Mekânlarının Kullanım Sürecinde Değerlendirilmesi, Online Journal of Art and Design , 5(2): 90-113.


Tez Adı: Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Farklı Geometrik Biçimlerdeki Blok-konutların İç Mekân Düzenlemesinin Kullanıcı Memnuniyetine Etkileri, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2006.


  1. Yıldırım, K., Ünlü, F., Aydın, M., 2017, Üst Sosyo Ekonomik Düzeye Sahip Apartman Konutların Açık Yaşama Mekânlarının Kullanım Sürecinde Değerlendirilmesi, Online Journal of Art and Design , 5(2): 90-113.

  2. Yapılan Atıf: Yeşilkavak, F., Apartman Konut Mutfaklarının İç Mekân Tasarımının Kullanıcı Memnuniyetine Etkileri, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2007.

© 2020 by Mehmet Lütfi Hidayetoğlu.

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