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Articles / Makaleler

SCI, SSCI, AHCI ve Diğer Uluslararası İndekslerde Taranan Makaleler
  1. Hidayetoğlu, M. L. ve Aksoy Özler, K. (2023). Ömrünü tamamlamış mobil araçların yeniden işlevlendirilmesinde kullanıcı tercihlerinin belirlenmesi. IDA: International Design and Art Journal, 5(2), 162-175.

  2. Ergün, B. , Yıldırım, K. & Hidayetoğlu, M. L. (2023). Açık ofislerin duvar ve donatı elemanlarında kullanılan renklerin kullanıcıların algısal değerlendirmeleri üzerindeki etkileri . Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi , 38 (4) , 2465-2476 . DOI: 10.17341/gazimmfd.1113543

  3. Aksoy Özler K., Hidayetoglu, M. L. ve Yıldırım, K., (2023), "Effect of Wall Colors and Usage Rates on The Perception of Interior Spaces", Gazi University Journal of Science, 36 (3), 965-982 . DOI: 10.35378/gujs.1120440

  4. Yılmaz, H., Yıldırım, K., ve Hidayetoglu, M. L., (2022), "The effect of carrier system materials used in an Olympic swimming pool on the perceptual evaluations of respondents", Facilities Vol. 40 No. 9/10, 2022 pp. 675-695

  5. Yıldırım, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L. and Unuvar, S.S. (2022), "The effects of location and layout of offices on perceptual evaluations of users", Facilities, 40 (1/2), 1-19.

  6. Coşgun, B., Yıldırım, K. and Hidayetoglu, M.L. (2022), "Effect of wall covering materials on the perception of cafe environments", Facilities, 40 (3/4), 214-232.

  7. Müezzinoğlu, M. K., Hidayetoğlu, M. L. & Yıldırım, K. (2021). The Effects of Light Color Temperatures on Students' Perceptual Evaluations in Design Studios, Color Research & Application, 46 (5), 1006-1018.

  8. Koyuncu, Ö., Hidayetoğlu, M. L., Türkmenoğulları, B. A., Yıldırım, K. (2021). Dijital görselleştirme araçlarıyla yapılan iç mekân tasarımları ve uygulamalarının kullanıcıların algısal performansları üzerindeki etkileri. IDA: International Design and Art Journal, 3(1), 86-100.

  9. Yildirim K, Hidayetoğlu M L, Özkan A. (2020). The Impacts of Indoor Plants on Participants’ Perceptual Evaluations, J Art Arch. Stud., 9(2): 30-38. DOI:

  10. Menşure Kübra Müezzinoğlu, Mehmet Lütfi Hiidayetoğlu, Kemal Yıldırım. (2020), The Effects of the Wall Colors Used in Educational Spaces on the Perceptual Evaluations of Students. Megaron. 15(1): 1-12

  11. Yıldırım, K., Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Gökbulut, N., Müezzinoğlu, M.K. (2019) "Effects on Students’ Perceptual Evaluations of the Wall Colors Used in Design Studios by the Virtual Reality Method", ICONARP International Journal of Architecture and Planning, 7(1): 99-120. (Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI)​

  12. Hidayetoglu, ML. , Muezzinoglu, MK. "User-Involved Universal Design Experience in The Space, Product and Service Development Process". International Journal of Architecture & Planning. 6 (2018): 41-62. DOI: 10.15320/ICONARP.2018.48–E-ISSN: 2147-9380

  13. HİDAYETOĞLU, ML , YILDIRIM, K . "Innovative Approaches in Furniture Assembly and Sustainability in Design". İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 6 (2017): 122-132

  14. Cagatay, K., Hidayetoglu,M.L., and Yildirim, K., (2017) "Lise Koridor Duvarlarında Kullanılan Renklerin Öğrencilerin Algısal Değerlendirmeleri Üzerindeki Etkileri, ", Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi (H. U. Journal of Education) 32(2): 466-479

  15. Yildirim, K., Cagatay, K., and Hidayetoglu,M.L., (2015) "The effect of age, gender and education level on customer evaluations of retail furniture store atmospheric attributes", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 43 Iss: 8, pp.712 – 726

  16. Yildirim, K., Ayalp, N., Aktas, G.G., Hidayetoglu,M.L., 2014, Consumer perceptions and functional evaluations of cash desk types in the clothing retail context, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 42 Iss: 6, pp.542 – 552.

  17. Yildirim, K., and Hidayetoglu, M.L., 2013, “Ergonomic Effects of Conventional and Computer-Aided Drawing“, Pensee, 75 (12), 122-135. (SSCI)

  18. Hidayetoglu, M.L., 2012, “Taking Inspiration from Local Culture in Furniture Design Education:Cultural Identity in Design, Turkish Culture Sample“, Journal of Teaching and Education, 1 (6), 379-387.

  19. Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L., Sen, A., “Effects on Sustainability of Various Skylight Systems in Buildings with an Atrium”, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 1 (2), 139 – 152, 2012 (Ebsco)

  20. Hidayetoglu, M.L., Yildirim, K. and Akalin, A., "The effects of color and light on indoor wayfinding and the evaluation of the perceived environment", Journal of Environmental Psychology , 32 (1): 50-58, 2012. (Social Sciences Citation Index)

  21. Yıldırım, K., Capanoğlu, A., Cagatay, K. & Hidayetoğlu, M.L., "Effect of Wall Colour on the Perception of Hairdressing Salons", Journal of the International Colour Association, Vol: 7, 51-63, 2012.

  22. Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L. & Capanoglu, A., "Effects of Interior Colors on Mood and Preference: Comparisons of Two Living Rooms", Perceptual and Motor Skills , Vol. 112 (2), 509-524, 2011. (Social Sciences Citation Index)

  23. Hidayetoğlu, M.L. and Cagatay, K., "The Effect of Classroom Size, Shape and Crowdedness on User Perceptual Assessments", World Applied Sciences Journal, 13 (6):1492-1497, 2011 (Ebsco, & Isi Master List)

  24. Hidayetoğlu, M.L., Yıldırım, K. and Çağatay, K., "The effects of training and spatial experience on the perception of the interior of buildings with a high level of complexity", Scientific Research and Essays , 5 (3), 2010. (Science Citation Index).

  25. Yıldırım, K. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., "Effects of the Locations of Curved Areas in the Main Living Rooms of Apartment Housing on User Perceptions", G.U. Journal of Science, 21 (2): 51-63, 2008. (Engineering Index (Compendex), Ebsco, & Isi Master Journal List)

  26. Yıldırım, K., Akalın-Baskaya, A. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., "Effects of indoor color on mood and cognitive performance, Building and Environment", 42 (9): 3233-3240, 2007. (Science Citation Index)

  27. Yıldırım, K. Akalın, A. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., "The Effects of the Store Window Type on Consumers’ Perception and Shopping Attitudes Through the Use of Digital Pictures", G.U. Journal of Science, 20 (2), 2007. (Engineering Index (Compendex), Ebsco, & Isi Master List)

Ulusal Hakemli Makaleler
  1. M.L. Hidayetoğlu, 2013, “Geleneksel Türk Evi Donatı Elemanlarının Restorasyonu ve Çağdaş Yapılarda Yeniden Kullanımı: Bir Şerbetlik Örneği”, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 28, 293-303.

  2. Yıldırım, K., Akalın, A., Yeşilkavak, F. ve Hidayetoğlu, M.L.," Konut Mutfaklarının Mekân Kalitesinin Kullanıcıların Fonksiyonel ve Algısal Performansına Etkisi: TOKİ Eryaman 7. Etap Konutları", Journal of Polytechnic , Cilt 10, No: 4, 2007.

  3. Yıldırım, K., Hidayetoğlu, M.L. ve Şen, A., "Farklı Mimari Biçimlerdeki Kafe/Pastane Mekânlarının Kullanıcıların Algı-Davranışsal Performansı Üzerine Etkisi", Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt 10, No: 3, 2007.

  4. Yıldırım, K., Başkaya, A. ve Hidayetoğlu, M.L., "Farklı Sosyo-Ekonomik Düzeye Sahip Blok-Konut Kullanıcılarının Sabit İç Donatım Elemanlarından Memnuniyeti", Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt 8, No: 2, 2005.

Top 10 ve Top 25′e Giren Uluslararası Makaleler (Hottest Articles)
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Top 10′a Giren Uluslararası Makaleler


Eserin Adı: Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L. & Capanoglu, A., "Effects of Interior Colors on Mood and Preference: Comparisons of Two Living Rooms", Perceptual and Motor Skills , Vol. 112, 2, 509-524, 2011. (Social Sciences Citation Index)


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Top 25′e Giren Uluslararası Makaleler


Hidayetoglu, M.L., Yildirim, K. and Akalin, A., "The effects of color and light on indoor wayfinding and the evaluation of the perceived environment", Journal of Environmental Psychology , 32 (1): 50-58, 2012. (Social Sciences Citation Index)


Top 25′e Giriş Dönemi:

October to December 2012

April to June 2012

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Yıldırım, K., Akalın-Baskaya, A. and Hidayetoğlu, M.L., "Effects of indoor color on mood and cognitive performance", Building and Environment, Vol. 42, No: 9, 2007. (Science Citation Index)


Top 25′e Giriş Dönemi:

January to March 2011
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April to June 2010
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Most Popular Articles ( for Smart and Sustainable Built Environment)


Yildirim, K., Hidayetoglu, M.L. and Sen, A., “Effects on Sustainability of Various Skylight Systems in Buildings with an Atrium”, Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2012.



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